We’re a team of slovenes & internationals which aim to spice up Ljubljana’s events!

Pub quizzes

Started in 2019 with weekly quizzes and arguably the most prominent event of its kind in the city of Ljubljana, this is our most prized event. We have a strong base of regulars, mostly locals, while maintaining a seasonal presence of internationals, both permanent and temporary or even one night stands. We’ve had crowds of 150 contestants on a single night, we’ve known multiple venues, we’ve had stand up comedy in our mid quiz break, we’ve had heated discussions over our wildcard puzzles, we’ve had contested endings with intense tiebreakers, but one thing we guarantee is if it’s a Wednesday and you’re looking for some fun, you should know our Wednesday nights are known to be magical. Check our next events to have some fun with us.


We organize team building activities for companies/organizations looking for less conventional entertainment options. Our pub quizzes are a stellar way to showcase both your cooperation and competitiveness. We can adapt to topics of your choosing but we will always make a personalized experience given your context and size. Other options upon discussion.

We’ve organized events ranging from group hikes to orientation runs. Usually more likely to appear in summer.

Sport events

We’ve had a couple of speed dating events in multiple secret locations in the center of Ljubljana. Usually in a bar or a café, it’s a privately held event where we give the participants a chance to meet a few people in their desired demographic.

Speed dating

Follow our journey.